I would love to produce more blog posts. I actually have quite a few ideas saved on
Evernote. The problem is I have writer's block. His name is Liam.
I can not use the computer or the iPad without Liam begging (more like screaming and crying) to use them. That leaves me with naptime or bedtime to write. The problem with that is naptime and bedtime are when I try to do everything else. Clean, prep meals, organize, fold and put away laundry, etc. I also need my sleep, so I do not stay up late doing these things. Especially since I have a child who does not like to stay asleep once he goes down.
My husband is away A LOT, so the above things are left to me and me alone. When he is home it's a little easier to get things done, because one of us can work and the other can occupy Liam. That being said, when he is home I would rather spend time with him than do anything else. That means quality time is spent together and blog posts are left unwritten.
With the BIG ONE looming ahead of us we have been trying to squeeze in as much time together as possible. That will mean even fewer blog posts in the coming months. I'll apologize now! Sorry!
I do try and view this blog as a job. But let's face it, I do not make any money off of it. If I did generate a little income from the blog, then I would probably hire a babysitter for a few hours once a week. Alas, I'm a sailors wife, that means we're on a fixed income and can not afford a frequent babysitter.
So, I'd love to hear from you. How do you manage to create posts when you can not find time to write them?! Do you hire a babysitter? Do you work while your kids are in school? Do you stay up late? Give me some tips! :)
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