Thank you so very much to Stacy Sews and Schools for awarding me a Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I am very honored!
As with any blog award, there comes a set of rules:
1. Display award image on your blog page.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
5. Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to their posts.
So, here are 7 facts about me to help you get to know me.
1. I use to sing in choirs in high school and college. (In fact some friends are trying to get me to sing
in our church's worship band right now. lol)
2. I'm of Irish, Scottish, English, Cherokee, Apache, Jewish, French and German descent. Basically
I'm a mutt. ;)
3. I started a Spanish program for preschoolers my senior year of college. I taught 2-4 year olds
Spanish and loved it!
4. Ever since I studied abroad in Spain, I've wanted to live there. There's always retirement, right?
5. I am terrified of eels. I think it all started with Disney's The Little Mermaid. I loved that movie,
but the eels have always scared me. I'm afraid they'll electrocute me. I can't even stand they way
they look. CREEPY!
6. My husband and I met on eHarmony! It really works! I can't believe how compatible my husband
and I are. lol
7. I play video games and read comic books. I also LOVE Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I'm secretly a nerd. Shhh! Don't tell anyone.
Coming up with 7 things was harder than I thought. ha!
Now to nominate blogs that inspire me! I know some people don't like this sort of thing, but I think it's great to know that someone finds you inspiring! In no particular order, here they are!:)
1) Momastery
2)Stacy Sews and Schools (I know she was already nominated, but she truly inspires me! )
3)Heart & Habit
4)Remain Calm, Have a Cupcake
5)Susan's Coffee Chronicles
6) Bean, P & Me
8)hhoagland - A Navy Wife vs. Fifty Shades of Chicken
9) Very Busy Mamá
10)Mami's Time Out
11)Notas de Mamá
13)Thrifty Decorating
14)Mama and Baby Love
15)A Little Unhinged
There you have it. Now go find some inspiration! <3