
Friday, June 7, 2013

Writer's Block of a Different Kind

I would love to produce more blog posts. I actually have quite a few ideas saved on Evernote. The problem is I have writer's block. His name is Liam.

I can not use the computer or the iPad without Liam begging (more like screaming and crying) to use them. That leaves me with naptime or bedtime to write. The problem with that is naptime and bedtime are when I try to do everything else. Clean, prep meals, organize, fold and put away laundry, etc. I also need my sleep, so I do not stay up late doing these things. Especially since I have a child who does not like to stay asleep once he goes down.

My husband is away A LOT, so the above things are left to me and me alone. When he is home it's a little easier to get things done, because one of us can work and the other can occupy Liam.  That being said, when he is home I would rather spend time with him than do anything else. That means quality time is spent together and blog posts are left unwritten. 

With the BIG ONE looming ahead of us we have been trying to squeeze in as much time together as possible.  That will mean even fewer blog posts in the coming months. I'll apologize now! Sorry!

I do try and view this blog as a job. But let's face it, I do not make any money off of it. If I did generate a little income from the blog, then I would probably hire a babysitter for a few hours once a week. Alas, I'm a sailors wife, that means we're on a fixed income and can not afford a frequent babysitter.

So, I'd love to hear from you. How do you manage to create posts when you can not find time to write them?! Do you hire a babysitter? Do you work while your kids are in school? Do you stay up late? Give me some tips! :)


  1. There is always lots going on when you have a small business and family aside from blogging. I usually start writing at least a little bit everyday when I find quiet moments in my office. I don't stay up past 12:30 am, so I can make sure to get at least 6 hours of sleep. My health is important.

    Even if you write at least one blog post a week, you're still doing fine, as a blogger, since you're being consistent in writing.

    1. I try and use Evernote to jot down ideas and write what I can on the go, so that does help! I do try and post at least once a week. Thank you so much for the input! :)

  2. I do have ads on my blog and have made a tiny little bit of unreleased funds so far. I would like to post more, but by the time I get home from my full time job I don't have the energy to sit down and write. I also have to use those few (about 4 a day) hours to get house work done, etc. So yeah, I hear you! I think a little is better than none, etc. Good luck! Enjoy your time with your men!

    1. Thanks, Erin! I am definitely enjoying all the time I have with them! It must be hard trying to find the energy to write after a day at work. When I was working full time all I wanted to do was crash! lol

  3. I wish I had some advice for you. I CAN say that it will get easier as Liam gets older. LOL


    1. Thank you! How about I ship him to your house for a week. hehe! ;)

  4. Everyone's situation is different. I am a SAHM with a husband who works a lot of hours. I have to hire sitters (because my family is not in the same state) to help with the 3 boys. I always say that I'm going to write when someone is here. But between groceries, school meetings/volunteer, carpool and the little one's activities...that NEVER happens. So I am left to write during naps and bedtime. My kids go to bed by 8 and it gives me time to do me. I don't watch tv, or read as much as I would love to. I also don't go out very often (4 coffees a month and 2 nights out?). I want blogging to be my business and I'm working my butt off. I've been home for 6 years and knew that I wanted something for me and this is what is motivating. I'm happy to write and stay up til midnight to finish up a post. When I feel it's taking a toll, I step back. Sometimes I publish 4 times a week and sometimes 8. Find a balance. Don't let blogging/writing become a chore. It won't be fun that way. The readers will come even if it is once a week because you are happily producing quality once a week. Good luck! I love your site and will keep coming back. :-)

    1. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate too! Hank you for the advice! And I really appreciate the compliment! I guess I just need to schedule in writing along with the rest of the things I have on the calendar.:)

  5. It's definitely hard to balance it all. I use evernote both on my computer and on my phone. I work on the blog during lunch and sometimes after the boys have gone to bed. Having hubby around helps a lot.

    I do try to keep an editorial calendar and also make a list of admin things that I need to get done that week. That way I'm more focused instead of wasting my time on Pinterest!

    1. Making a list of things to get done in a week sounds like a great idea! I too find myself all over the place when I (finally) get on the computer, so having something to focus on would help a lot! Thank you for the tips! :)

  6. Having a document app on my smartphone helps. It allows me write anywhere, especially when I'm waiting in line for something.

    1. I'm trying to get the hang of doing that too! :)

  7. Hi stopping in via SITS. It is definitely a balancing act trying to maintain a blog with everything else. I am starting to use Evernote. I would like to write several posts at a time and just schedule them to be published on certain days. Hope you had a nice feature day!

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I really enjoyed my day! I am trying to work towards writing a few posts at a time too and then scheduling them, but finding the time to write a few posts is a challenge too!

  8. I can relate to you trust me. I am all alone with my 3 kids 98% of the time and it is very tough to get things done some days. But being moms we are all very understanding so don't beat yourself up. Congrats on the SITS Feature!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the encouragement and the support!
